Sunday, November 29, 2015


Just a note to tell you how grateful we are to be serving in the Illinois Chicago Mission.  It has been a wonderful experience.  Sometimes we grow a little homesick, but then Heavenly Father quickly sends a tender mercy, like Thanksgiving Week-end, that reminds us that we are in the right place at the right time. 

We have grown even more grateful for the things which have always been meaningful to us:

*          Family, (Cory, Lily, Tati, Steffan, Kelly, Amber, Aurora, Fred, Mary, Jude, Jady, Jareth, Roy, Kanda, Andrew, John, Kyle, Brietta, and Olivia)....with the assurance that we can work towards being together for eternity.  And we haven't begun to name our wonderful extended families.

*        Christ's Gospel which brings us so much peace and hope, and also Christ's church which provides so much fulfillment and which is directed on this earth by a living prophet.

*        Wonderful neighbors, friends, acquaintances, and at least 180 missionaries that are dear to us.

*        The good things of life - our country, our way of living, our home, our culture, our bodies (even though they are getting a bit worn out), modern inventions and other wonders, experiences and adventures, and far too many more things to name.

*         And for the season which is upon us - CHRISTMAS - when we can remember that Christ came to earth and took upon Him our sins so we can repent, and little by little become a little more like Him.

Because of this mission, we are having a time of thanksgiving every day....and we love it.

Lots of blogging coming up.  It piled up on us.  This last week was BUSY.

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