Saturday, June 14, 2014


Each day we come to the farm we are either Harvesting, Planting or Weeding.  We started harvesting May 29, 2014.  Compared with the first harvest last year we are about 30 days ahead.  The early harvest is due to starting the plants in the greenhouse and setting them out early. 
 The weather is cooperating this year !!

Lots and Lots of Volunteers help with the work on the farm.
Lots of planting, weeding and harvesting is done each time
we work.  Those being:  Tuesday and Thursday 6-8 pm and
Saturday 7-9 am.

Romaine Lettuce is picked, washed and packed in crates to
be taken to the Bishop's Storehouse.  To date we have
harvested 218 pounds of lettuce with more coming.

This year we planted a "demo" garden.  Above are
various kinds of lettuce.  Today we harvested these
lettuce plants and sent them to the Storehouse.
In the "demo" garden we also planted onions,
garlic, herbs, tomatoes, etc.  

We are just beginning our harvest of cabbage.  To date we have
harvested 298 pounds.  Last year we harvested 1500 pounds.
We hope to surpass that amount.  Our goal this year is
3600 pounds.  Yeah !!

Today, Saturday, missionaries and volunteers
planted various varieties of winter squash.  We
will begin harvesting the squash in 
September / October.  

The corn is really doing great.  Last year we harvested 2,989 pounds
of corn.  We hope to harvest more this year !

Some of our carrots have weed block in the boxes.
The above box doesn't have the block; therefore,
lots and lots of volunteer hours have been spent
getting all the weeds out of the carrots.  The carrots
are looking very good.

The above is our cabbage plants.  We plant cabbage,
broccoli and cauliflower in various stages in order
to have three separate crops of each.

At the farm we have 5 beehives.  Our bee keeper,
above, cares for our bees.  We really
appreciate all the work he does for the bees.

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